(Coming) V1.1

Here is news :)

We are working on an update to fix some bug but also add some features to the game ;)

There is the patchnote :

  • (UPDATE) GameOver menu reworked
  • (UPDATE) Credits menu reworked
  • (UPDATE) We optimise the code and the game
  • (NEW) Add a little icon on the top left of the window
  • (UPDATE) Shop is ENTIERELY reworked (we can now add new items, we are not cap at 3)
  • (UPDATE) Now you have to pass 3 shops, to go to another biome ;)
  • (UPDATE) Reworked the system of biome, to make easier adding new biome in the futur

Added a new biome :

  • (NEW )Ice Cave Biome
  • (UPDATE) Had her own obstacles
  • (NEW) Animated obstacles

Added 3 new Perks :

(Can be changed)

  • (NEW) Googles, When activated you can see from where the obstacle is coming
  • (NEW) PiouPiou BuzzCut, When activated your speed is divide by 2
  • (NEW) Magnet, When activated colect all the ruby close to you for 20 seconds

  • (NEW) The max score is now show and saved
  • (UPDATE) Added new background for all the menu

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